Track Listing 1. Down 5:51 2. Jesus 4:25 3. Freeload 6:20 If you’ve ever seen Chapter 23 live before, you’ll recognize these songs from Chapter 23’s demo. From the first track Down Chapter 23 grabs you buy the face and doesn’t let go until the final track has ended. With Chapter 23’s hard pounding sound …
The night of the UnFamily Values tour in the LA Area was the night that local favorites Deepdown played at the partially Halloween decorated Key Club. When I first entered the club the bars were packed with people, but the front of the stage was just about empty. No need to fear my friends, there …
Ok, so I was once again informed by the Band Bitch guys that I should go to the Whiskey on the 15th of October to see Systematic. I thought, “Hell, they know what they are talking about. I’ll go.” So I get to the club as the first band starts. Turns out the first band …
Once again my travels take me to the Glass House in Pomona CA, for a killer show. I got there a little after 7 and the doors don’t open up until 8 and there is already a line that is half a block long. How cool is that? I go to the ticket booth, get …
Lets just skip the usual setup and dive right into the show. Shall we? Chapter 23 was the band the opened up the show. If you haven’t heard of these guys, listen up! These guys are freaking AWESOME! Jerry’s vocals echoed through the Troubadour while Louie and Christians guitars, Beto’s bass and Marco’s drums pounded …
So I get this email at 3:02pm on the day of the show asking me if I could make it to the Roxy that night to see Earth to Any and Cheap Trick. Not having any plans, I responded with a ‘Ya … anything you need me to do there tonight?’ I get a response …
Hot dog! The Roxy was going off! .. I’m getting a little ahead of myself. The day started off like any other.. rolling out of bed at 8am.. Ooops too far back.. I pulled up at the Roxy at a little after 7pm and there was already a crowd at the door. Always a good …
6/05/99 UE: I guess we’ll start by introducing yourselves. Sizzo: I am Sizzo, the singer. And finally I can say singer, because now I sing. Like I used to have to say vocalist, and now I can say singer. Vayper: I’m the Vayper. Sizzo: (laugh) Vayper: Shut up! V A Y P E R, I’m …
Once again, my travels take me to the Roxy in Hollywood to see another line-up of killer bands. Sad Story started the night off with a bang! Every time I see Sad Story I see something new and different. Sad Story is a very lively band with an awesome sound.Next up was Two Hit Creeper. …
The night started out like any other night.. drive to the show.. get into the club.. have fun. But all was not well at the Roxy. There was a sign on the Roxy’s door stating that both Grip Inc. and Nevermore dropped off the bill. The show was almost cancelled. Now that would have sucked! …