The Roxy and the Coconut Teaszer – 6/14/99

The night started out like any other night.. drive to the show.. get into the club.. have fun. But all was not well at the Roxy. There was a sign on the Roxy’s door stating that both Grip Inc. and Nevermore dropped off the bill. The show was almost cancelled. Now that would have sucked! …

Roxy — 05/18/99

It was an interesting night to say the least. It turns out it was a “ladies night,” every band we saw had at the very least a female singer. And on top of that pleasant surprise, there were at most 75 people in the place and at one point as little as 25, not quite …

Troubadour — 5/10/99

The place: Troubadour, Hollywood CADate: Monday May 10thThe Bands: Heckler’s Veto, Strapted, Livid, Fractura and Agrokulcher What can you say, it was a free show! Can’t beat that! The first band to play was Heckler’s Veto. I came in during the middle of their set, and they sounded really good. I wish I could have …

Glass House — 03/06/99

Earlier this month, I was witness to one of the best shows I have seen in years, kudos to a very cool club in Pomona. Specifically, the Glass House. First up was 20 Dead Flower Children. This was my first time seeing them, and I was impressed with their performance and the message they are …