home Concert Review Troubadour — 5/10/99

Troubadour — 5/10/99

The place: Troubadour, Hollywood CA
Date: Monday May 10th
The Bands: Heckler’s Veto, Strapted, Livid, Fractura and Agrokulcher

What can you say, it was a free show! Can’t beat that! The first band to play was Heckler’s Veto. I came in during the middle of their set, and they sounded really good. I wish I could have been there for the full set. Strapted played second and they were very interesting. A drummer, guitarist, a bassist and three vocalists make up Strapted. I guess they would be considered rapcore. Hard riffs on top of rap. Very interesting.

Then the candles were lit on stage, the pancake-type smoke was fired off… you guessed it: Livid! I love seeing Livid play. El Diablo was in the set list and like I said before, I love that song! I would say that the crowd was active, but I’d be lying. I guess that’s a Monday night crowd for ya. Livid really puts on a good stage show, they move around and if your not moving along with ’em, there’s something wrong with you.

Fractura was the next band to play. This was my second time seeing Fractura play. They still blow me away. You wouldn’t expect that much sound and power out of the lead singer if you saw her on the street. She is really talented, along with the rest of the band. Lots of samples and hard riffs. If you like Fear Factory you will love this band. Their demo should be ready soon and I suggest that you pick one up when it comes out! Of course, I’ll try to get permission to post some or all of the demo here.

The closing band was Agrokulcher, the first show with new lead singer Matt DeJoy. One word: Unbelievable. Agrokulcher played all new songs, including Song Number 5, and Run from the last album, which was left in for the old fans. After watching the crowd motionless for the whole night, I decided that the crowd needed a little push to get moving. A small pit was started by yours truly but didn’t last too long. Not much fun with only 6 people, but I had fun. Even though Agrokulcher has had DeJoy for just a few weeks, they looked like they had been playing together for years. They played a really solid set. I hope to have some audio clips from the set online soon. Another great show.

I’d like to thank Ken and everyone from Agrokulcher and Mark and Rob and the rest of Livid. Much love, you guys rock!

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