This was amazingly the first time either Metalboy or myself had been to one of these “Unsigned on Sunset” shows. I find that kind of amusing that with all we do for unsigned bands, we’ve never been to one. I think after this show that is going to change. We went in order to see one band in particular, but we were definitely impressed with more than just them.
First up was Mindi Abair ( In the words of Metalboy, “They’re good.” That may not sound like much, but coming from Metalboy, that’s a ringing endorsement, and quite a change from his usual “Grrraaaahhhhh!” The lead singer, Mindi Abair (go figure), is an incredibly talented singer, and as we discovered on the last song, a very talented sax player as well. Maybe I’m just weird (well that’s a given I suppose) but I find a beautiful woman who can play a saxophone very sexy. Anyway, back to the music, they had some good rock songs and a couple of great mellow songs, including the last song, which was just her singing and playing sax and a guy on the keyboards. If you have the chance you should definitely check Mindi Abair out.
The next group was a band called Box. They were a very interesting band; they had a kind of ’80s punk vibe happening. The singer looked like she stepped out of the ’80s onto the stage. Not a bad band, you should check them out too.
Finally was Evenrude (, whom I have heard some good things about. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to verify this firsthand. It was after midnight before they went on, and since Metalboy and I are a couple of old fuddy-duddies, we had to go to our respective homes to go to sleep, since it was past our bedtimes.
Overall it was a great night, we saw a couple of new bands, which we will definitely be keeping an eye (or two) on, and we got to see a great performance by an UnEarthed.Com favorite. Until next time, be good humans, and support the scene.