Interview with Less Than Jake

Before a recent Less Than Jake show at the House of Blues in Hollywood, UnEarthed caught up with Vinnie, the drummer behind Less Than Jake. If I remember correctly, you write most of the lyrics? Yes Have you threatened to go solo yet? Not yet, but I’m tempted to actually. No, I’m not. How do …

Interview with Fueled By Ignorance

If you’ve gotten your copy of the latest work by this band, you already know that Fueled By Ignorance are a force to be reckoned with.  I finally found the time to ask the band about a few things, and got my response from vocalist Simon Springer.  He replied promptly, with well thought out answers.  …

Slaves on Ozzfest

9.11.00 Were you to ask random audience members to describe the members of Slaves On Dope, perhaps it would have gone something like this: Rob: The “shy, quiet” one. Frank: The “smooth” one. Jason: The “bald, mean” one. Kevin: The “hot” one. Get to know the guys in real life, however, and the story would …

Interview with GlassJaw

Hours before the GlassJaw/Deftones show at the *cough* suckass *cough* Palladium, UE got a chance to sit down with Daryl, the front man of GlassJaw, in their bus to talk about life, hair styling tips, monster movies and underwear. Yes, you read correctly… underwear. …See I don’t wash it for 4 months at a time. …

Interview with (hed)pe

July 2000 When I heard that I would be talking to Chad, hed (pe)’s charismatic guitarist, on his cell phone, I could just picture him, cruising down some highway with the windows down, listening to tunes, with his shades on, flirting with girls all along the way. But, I was literally enlightened after talking to …

Interview with MXPX

For starters, basically lets get this question out of the way: How do you like the tour so far? We love touring. You like the way the Warped Tour is setup? Yep. We wouldn’t keep coming back if we didn’t. Do you prefer the bigger venues or do you like the smaller venues better? Ya …

Interview with Dope

5.15.00 Visions of smog, traffic, subways, and rude people in a hurry always come to mind whenever I used to think about New York. Sometimes though, when you happen upon someone that is the exception to that rule, you begin to question your opinions. Edsel Dope is one of those exceptions. Hailing from New York, …

Interview with Goudie

6.6.00 It was a sultry, Los Angeles evening, with a cool breeze blowing through my open window, and Nag Champa floating through the hallways. Johnny Goudie was conferenced in, and the phone line immediately began to crackle with electricity. Not the type that causes annoying, audible static, but the kind that makes you feel that …

Interview with Pantera

5.31.00 When you’re a fan of a band for over 10 years, you become so awestruck after a while that you never imagine that you could ever just chit chat casually with one of the members. That’s how I felt all this time, anyway. That is, until I picked up the phone and heard the …

Interview with SubstAnce D

4.28.00 It has been a turbulent year for this band. All within the past year and a half, there have been illnesses, at least one hospitalization, the loss of a family member, afflictions to overcome and deal with on a daily basis, and uncertainties about the future. The three members of SubstAnce D know exactly …