The best art is born of sorrow and/or rage. Seether (formerly known as Saron Gas) is a South African band that draws deeply, and brilliantly, from this well. Their American debut, “Disclaimer” [Wind-Up Records], is one of the best of the year. Displaying a virulent and explosive sound that fuses Aggro and Moodcore Metal into a stunning, and accessible style.
Shaun Morgan's vocals switch between a deep, soulful howl and a rumbling, shrieking growl. The guitars are melodic at moments, then chunky and furious the next. This juxtaposition works well, creating an emotive, powerful sound.
The best songs include the aggression of “Needles,” “Fade Away,” “Broken,” and “Gasoline.” My favorite though is mid-tempo, melancholic cut “Fine Again.” Seether does it all well.
Overall, Seether has the steel to be great. And this opus alone is proof enough. (They're one of the best new bands of 2002.) Stay savage. Farewell.
Related Bands: 12 Stones, Cold, Adema, Creed, Korn, Seventh Dawn, Drowning Pool, etc.
Keep the faith, and the AGGRESSION. Peace.
Bill Vogel III StrangeAeons at compuserve dot com
Courtesy of Stranger Aeons Magazine.