home Album Review Chimaira – “This Present Darkness” – CD Review

Chimaira – “This Present Darkness” – CD Review

Take some Fear Factory, a dash of Slipknot, and one of your favorite new hardcore bands; pour them in, close the lid, and hit the ‘impale’ button on your electric blender, and you’ve got yourself a Chimaira smoothie. I’m not promising you anything nutritious, or even good for you, for that matter, but you’re definitely going to get a jolt out of it.

Chimaira is one of those bands your mother warned you about. They’re pissed off, they’re coming to get you, and they won’t warn you ahead of time. You’ve got five guys with an agenda of wickedness, and no limits when it comes to energy or how heavy things are going to get. I’d say hide under your bed, or in your closet. But instead, be brave and slide “This Present Darkness” (East Coast Empire Records) into your CD player.

You’ll be met with the title track which is reminiscent of early Fear Factory, complete with ruthless double bass drums, courtesy of Andy Herrick, clicking and pounding their way into your skull. The ever-present crunching guitars, tuned down to murky depths and manipulated by Jason Hager and Rob Arnold, forcefully work your eardrums. Mark Hunter‘s howling and scraping vocals keep you at attention, and Rob Lesniack thumps you on the back of the head with his bass if you step out of line. The songs to follow continue your mental metal training session. You just better hope you pass.

Lesa Pence

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